Customize your Overall Design
To customize your website design settings:
Select Customize from the WordPress Toolbar.

Get to know your Customizer sidebar. Every option allows you to customize a different aspect of your site.

See our Beginner’s Guide to the Customizer to learn more and follow these instructions to learn how to Edit your Site Title, Add your Logo, Add your Favicon, Set your Default Color Scheme, Set your Default Fonts, Edit your Footer, Edit your Navigation Menu right here
Remember, we are just a friendly chat away if you get stuck – always, anytime.
Select Customize from the WordPress Toolbar.

Get to know your Customizer sidebar. Every option allows you to customize a different aspect of your site.

See our Beginner’s Guide to the Customizer to learn more and follow these instructions to learn how to Edit your Site Title, Add your Logo, Add your Favicon, Set your Default Color Scheme, Set your Default Fonts, Edit your Footer, Edit your Navigation Menu right here
Remember, we are just a friendly chat away if you get stuck – always, anytime.
Updated on: 05/29/2019
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